anthology anthology n. アンソロジー, 詩選集; 論集; 名曲集. 【動詞+】 compile an anthology アンソロジーを編纂(へんさん)する edit an anthology アンソロジーを編集する. 【+動詞】 The anthology contains nothing of great interest. このアンソロジーに
poetry poetry n. 詩; 詩趣, 詩情. 【動詞+】 Not everybody appreciates poetry. だれもがみな詩のよさをわかるわけではない compose poetry 詩を作る devour Dante's poetry ダンテの詩をむさぼり読む She heard the poetry in his voice,
his personal poetry anthology is called the ' kanesuke collection .' 家集に「兼輔集」がある。
his personal poetry anthology is called the ' sanjo udaijin collection .' 家集に「三条右大臣集」がある。
koyagire (fragment from kokin waka shu poetry anthology ) (first class , second class and third class ) 高野切(第一種・第二種・第三種)
one section of the zanshu , a kamakura-period transcription of the poetry anthology by the poet saigyo . 残集 1帖-西行の歌集の鎌倉時代の写本。
it is said that there existed " shuseido poetry anthology ," but it does not remain now for some reason . 『須静堂詩集』があったとされるが、なぜか現在に伝わっていない。
kana (shodo ): koya-gire (fragment of kokin waka shu poetry anthology ), first class , koya-gire , third class , and others かな (書道)…高野切第一種、高野切第三種 など
collections of his poetic works are: " choushu eiso " (choushu palace anthology ) and " shunzei kashu " (shunzei poetry anthology ). 家集に『長秋詠藻』『俊成家集』。
it is the sole surviving poetry anthology from pre-medieval japan compiled by the poet himself and completed in the poet ' s own hand . 中世以前の歌人の自撰・自筆の歌集としては日本で唯一のものである。
one section of the egyo collection (transcribed by teika ), a written section of the house poetry anthology of egyo , the heian-period poet-monk . 恵慶集(えぎょうしゅう)(藤原定家筆)1帖-平安時代の歌僧・恵慶の家集(歌集)の写本。